Published on April 24th, 2011 | by Shane Morris
17Review: Doctor Who – The Impossible Astronaut
Welcome to the first of DOOM’s Doctor Who series 6 reviews. I’ll be taking a look at the episodes each week and giving you my thoughts and musings about what’s going on.
I started watching Doctor Who with Matt Smith’s first series and it definitely hooked me. Between that series and now, I went back and watched all of the Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant episodes. They were great but the eleventh Doctor remains my favorite. His stories have so much more energy than the previous ones and the pace is quick but not hard to follow. The interactions between him and Amy are always a treat and Karen Gillan is definitely not hard on the eyes… Needless to say, I was really looking forward to this return. And I was not disappointed in the slightest.
Having just finished “The Impossible Astronaut” I must say, that was crazy. It’s nice to see that Steven Moffat is starting this series with the kind of insanity that usually only comes with a finale. There are so many pieces waiting to fall into place and I can’t wait to see how they do.
I’m especially looking forward to finding out why the Doctor dies and if the companions are supposed to help his past self prevent his death, get revenge, ensure that it happens, or maybe something else entirely?
The new monsters, the Silence, are just awesome. They look terrifying and their powers make things interesting. I would rank them up there with the Weeping Angels (my favorite villains) in coolness. Not much has really been given away as to what they want or plan to do. But they exploded the TARDIS last season, so you know it is going to be something big.
River Song. I think this series is going to finally bring an end to her arc. She’s always a fun character to have onscreen and I really hope her story is given a fitting ending.
Overall, this episode was fantastic. It’s a brilliant start to the series and definitely leaves you wanting more. I think I might end up watching it again to see what I missed the first time around, something I never do.
Be sure to leave some feedback, comments and theories as I would greatly appreciate it. If nothing else, here’s an easy chance at entering Mars Needs Pocasts’ contest. ;) Thanks for reading!