July 31st, 2016 | by JJ
JJ and his amazing friends Elizabeth and Jason come together to first discuss why cats are assholes. Specifically, Doc the book eating fuzzy little jerk who is pictured on [&hellip
July 28th, 2016 | by JJ
JJ and his amazing friend Jason saw the best film about a dead body. We rap lightly rhapsodic about this wonderful foul flick as well as other wonderful things [&hellip
July 25th, 2016 | by Aaron
Welcome back as we try to get through all the trailers released during SDCC this past weekend. We’ve looked at some of DC’s heavy hitters, now it’s time for [&hellip
July 24th, 2016 | by Aaron
Oy. It’s San Diego Comic Con and so a bajillion trailers that fall into our purview have been released. Please hold on to your butts as we try to [&hellip
July 24th, 2016 | by JJ
JJ and his amazing friend Matt Lees reunite to tell tales of wonder…or wrestling…and maybe a story or two about questionable plants. The two old friends have much to [&hellip
July 24th, 2016 | by Sharp-O
Power. Grace. Wisdom. Wonderiffic.
July 22nd, 2016 | by Aaron
This month’s commentary is for the classic Daniel Clowes adaptation starring Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi, and Scarlett Johansson – Ghost World. Watch the movie and listen to us talk [&hellip
July 19th, 2016 | by Aaron
This is a review filled with spoilers. I’ve seen the movie and want to talk about it. If you haven’t seen it but are interested in my thoughts, be [&hellip