Mars Needs Podcasts NewMNPLogo

Published on May 22nd, 2013 | by JJ


Mars Needs Podcasts #212- Et Tu, Jason?

JJ and his amazing friend Jason get off to an unexpected start this week. JJ jokingly asks Jason and is gobsmacked with his answer. If you ever wanted to know what it is like to hear JJ’s jaw drop, it is the first ten minutes of this episode. Then the pair move on to discuss movies other than Iron Man, believe it or not. A little of our duo’s school era history is revealed, and you will find out what is even better than unexpected coffee.

The picture this week is the best coffee you will ever have, period. If you find yourself in Portland, you need to stop by here.

The First Ten to Fifteen minutes have Iron Man 3 spoilers, you have been warned.

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