Articles look at me, looking at you

Published on April 2nd, 2012 | by Aaron


Poole’s Polls – April 2012

We here at DOOM Towers love to hear from our visitors. Partially because we have low self esteem and need to be told we’re pretty, and partially because you obviously have good taste so we can trust your opinion.

As a result, I have been tasked to ask you guys every month a question of utmost importance. A question that only you can answer. Some may call it a poll but I call it DECIDING THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Or something like that.


Congratulations to last month’s winner… Fluttershy, with a resounding lead on all her competition.

As your reward, you may live.


This month see a lot of good shows return to American Television and I thought I’d direct this question to our American DOOMsters (and also our legally acquiring friends all over the world).

Which Return Makes You Happier?

  • Community (52%, 15 Votes)
  • Game of Thrones (28%, 8 Votes)
  • Mad Men (21%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 29

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